Get a blood pressure test
A blood pressure test checks if your blood pressure is healthy, or if it's high or low.
Having this quick test could save your life.
Submit blood pressure readings using an online form
Your GP will review the results and get in touch if they need to follow up.
Use the blood pressure machine in reception
Patients have access to a weight and blood pressure machine in the practice without the need for a nursing appointment.
Please provide a copy of your results, together with your name and date of birth, to the receptionist to upload to your clinical record.
If you do not want to take your blood pressure using the machine, or if you’ve been asked to request an appointment, please contact the surgery by submitting an online form (see section above entitled 'Submit blood pressure readings using an online form') or calling us.
Contact the surgery by phone
If you do not want to take your blood pressure using the machine, or if you’ve been asked to request an appointment, please contact the surgery.
Find out more
For more information, including what your results mean, see NHS advice on blood pressure tests.